I have had the pleasure of interviewing Kristin of
Fancy Things and she is the sweetest. Her blog is wonderful and I have enjoyed reading it. Hope you all go check it out!

1. What inspired you to start blogging?
Reading some of my favorite blogs really inspired me (and still do!) as well as my boyfriend and family- they gave me the idea of starting one & one day I finally bit the bullet and created my blog!
2. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
When I first started blogging I chose the name "Fashion & Food" and after a while I felt limited as to what I could blog about so I changed my name to fancy things, which I think is more fun & reflects what I love to write about!
3. How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging for almost a year now! Mid April will mark my first full year of blogging. I can't believe a whole year has gone by. I've enjoyed it ever since i sat down and began writing.
4.. What is your most favorite piece of clothing or accessory?
A nice pair od dark wash skinny jeans! I love that they can be casual but also dressed up a bit for an evening out. As for my favorite accessory, a Michael Kors watch.
What is the most extravagant purchase you have made involving an accessory or clothes?
Coach purse(s) when I worked at the Coach store! Although I had a great discount at the time. I don't think I walked away from that job with having much profit.. :)
6. What is the number one item on your wish list?
Tons of items are on my wish list right now- but #1 is an iMac. I'm a bit of computer nerd.
7. If you could have dinner with a fashion designer who would it be?
Tory Burch! She's my favorite. I'd love to chat with her about how her career got started.
8. Would you ever consider blogging as a career?
Definitely! I would love to blog as my career if I have the means of doing so in the future. I'm about to graduate college (yay!!) but I'll unfortunately be looking for a real job soon. I love the idea of turning blogging into a full-time job one day.
9. Who is your fashion icon?
It's a toss up between Lauren Conrad 7 Rachel Bilson. I love both of their styles!
10. Do you have any advice for fellow bloggers?
The biggest advice that I have is to write when you feel inspired, your effort will really show in your content. I personally believe in "Quality over quantity" when it comes to blogging.