Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"Twas the Night Before Christmas"
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
New Year Glam
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 17, 2010
Just A Tad Bit of Sequence
Sunday, December 12, 2010
My Interview With Megan of A Closet Fashionista
What inspired you to start this blog? I've always enjoyed fashion and I had been following some blogs for a while and finally decided to start my own when I was bored at school one day.
How did the name Closet Fashionista come about? When I started my blog I had been brainstorming names for a while and came up with Closet Fashionista because when I was in school I loved fashion but never dressed how I wanted because I was too scared to stand out since people where I live basically wear jeans, tees and hoodies. But the blog has helped me overcome that and I'm slowly becoming more adventurous.
How long have you been blogging? *checks blog history* I started it back in April 2010, so this will be my 9th month of blogging. Actually, the 9 month anniversary is coming up, on December 11th!
How would you describe your look? I actually have no idea, how I dress changes pretty much every day because I just wear what I'm in the mood for. I guess I would say casual but girly because I love dresses, but they have to be comfortable and I love wearing jeans too. But I also like having a bit of edge to my outfits sometimes too, so really I'm a mix of lots of different styles.
What would you consider your favorite accessory? I actually don't wear many accessories since I can never make myself spend money on them even though I love jewelry. (I should start...) Even with my limited number of accessories I still can't pick a favorite. I guess I'll say basic diamond earrings since I never take mine out, ha ha. (My Grandma bought them for me 5 years ago and there have only been a few months when I haven't worn them)
What is your number one item on your wish list? A Chanel 2.55 or flap purse, but I will never get one, they are way out of my price range sadly. But something more attainable I would say anything by Burberry, I could get away with buying something but then I wouldn't be able to buy anything for a few months just to off set it.
If you could meet any designer, who would it be and why? Oh my...this is a hard one. I think I would have to say Christopher Bailey, I just love what he has done for Burberry, there hasn't been a collection in the past few years that I haven't loved. He is amazing and it would be great to talk to him about fashion.
Which do you prefer, Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin? Hmm....another hard one, I think I'll say Christian Louboutin. Their shoes are just so classic, and they also always have great edgy styles as well to go along with the classics.
Ever since the UGG collaboration I've lost a little of my love for Jimmy Choo since I don't think high fashion and UGG should mix. (Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a nice pair of UGGs or in my case EMUs, when its cold and snowy, but they aren't supposed to be flashy...they are supposed to be warm and comfy)
Most outrageous purchase? Hmmm....most outrageous as in expensive? Probably my velvet polka dot Marc Jacobs blazer, I bought it about 4 years ago and paid a whopping $80, that doesn't sound like a lot for MJ but for me it was. And more recently I let my mom spend $200 on a McQ by Alexander McQueen dress for my birthday. I still think I was crazy to let her do it, but she said she usually spends that much for our birthdays anyway. I LOVE the dress to death but I still feel bad...is it weird that I count that as outrageous even though I didn't even spend the money? I like to earn what I have so I guess that's why I feel that way.
Any advice to fellow style/fashion bloggers? Be yourself and dress the way you want without thinking about what others will think. If you feel great in it, wear it! And don't post things on your blog just because you think more people will enjoy it. If you are passionate about what you are blogging it shows and the followers will come.
Hope you all enjoyed the interview!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cover Girl Inspiration: Sarah Jessica Parker
Monday, December 6, 2010
Holiday Gift Guide $25 and Under
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Orly Nail Polish Giveaway Winner
Relaxing Sunday
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
My First Giveaway
My Interview With Chelsea of Maritime Shopaholic
1) When did you start this blog?
I started Maritime Shopaholic in late March, earlier this year.
2) What inspired you to start this blog?
I had kept a personal blog a few years ago in university, but needed a more creative outlet to keep up with it. I was really inspired by local bloggers and other style bloggers out there for a few months before I started my blog. I hesitated at first because I was worried with how others would think or if they would misinterpret my blog. But I decided to go ahead and start a personal style blog with a positive outlook and add my own twist.
3) How did you come up with the name Maritime Shopaholic?
Well the name was influenced by Confessions of a Shopaholic, but I wanted a title a little more unique and personal. I’m a little known for my tendency and love for shopping…and I live in one of the Maritime Provinces of Canada!
4) Have you ever considered a career in fashion?
Not directly, no. But as my love and knowledge of the fashion industry has evolved and grown, I’ve definitely felt the desire to be a part of it. Being a part of the fashion blogging community, I’ve seen how influential fashion bloggers really are and I’ve watched popular bloggers get amazing opportunities to collaborate and work with businesses, brands, and designers. I’ll just keep stepping up my game and see where that takes me! I’m open to any opportunities that might come my way. It’s a dream of mine now to do freelance writing for any fashion resources, local or larger.
5) Is there a difference in looks between Canada and the US?
Honestly, in the big picture, not really. I see our countries as very similar- we both welcome a number of diverse cultures within our countries, but the mainstream looks, trends, and fashion influences tend to be relatively the same. Most of my TV stations and fashion reads come from the US! Canada and the US house a lot of the same brands and stores so we tend to have access to the same fashions.
6) How would you consider your look?
I’d say my own look is a combination of romantic and boho, with a few edgy pieces mixed in from time to time. I first and foremost strive for comfort and try to throw in some sort of statement piece into most of my outfits.
7) Is there a look that you have wanted to try out and haven’t yet?
I’ve been meaning to try the look of sporting denim or dress shorts with patterned tights. In general, I wish I had more opportunities to wear cute dresses or skirts and experiment with coloured tights and heels more, but it’s not particular practical wear for my day job. I own a few fascinators, but I’d like to be able to incorporate them into my look a little more!
8) What is your favorite look right now?
Oh my gosh, I am loving faux fur right now. Vests, coats, stoles, you name it! It’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to add a little glam to an outfit. I’ve had to stop myself from buying too many pieces! I think I might be a little under the influence of watching so much Rachel Zoe Project lately…
9) Number one item on your wish list?
So hard to pick just one…so I’m going to cheat, but make it short J (I actually have a wish list posted on my blog!) The items that really top my never ending list: statement necklaces (I love big, chunky necklaces) like the ones from ESquared (http://www.etsy.com/shop/EsquaredJewels), an excellent-fitting pair of platform stilettos (I have high arches) in either grey or beige with some bling, and tops/dresses with sequins! I’ve very much into the lady-like, glitter-glam trend for the Holidays.
10) Do you still see yourself blogging a year from now?
Absolutely, I love what I do!
11) Is there any advice you would like to give to fellow style bloggers?
I know other bloggers have said it, but it’s a really important one: blog about what you know. But also, there’s so many style blogs out there that you want to do something to set yourself apart: there’s lots of little ways to do that. My biggest suggestion is to keep the content positive: for many people this is their first and only impression of you. You are your own PR. If you want to draw a supportive, regular readership you want them to show them that wonderful person that you are!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Giving Thanks
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My Interview With The HONEYBEE
I have been doing quite a few interviews lately and I love it. It is so much fun interviewing other bloggers about why they like to blog, their inspirations about fashion, and other wonderful stuff that they share. This interview was with Andee of The HONEYBEE. I love her blog; it is actually one of the first that I started following. Her fashion sense is wonderful and I really look up to her style. My favorite thing about her style is that I do not see it much in South Carolina, where I am from, and it is amazing to get ideas from her blog about something new to try out. Hope you all enjoy this.
Please follow Andee's amazing blog

1) What inspired you to start this blog and how long have you been blogging?
I was inspired by other blogs and thought I would put my love for fashion, traveling, and beauty products to use. There were so many things I loved and wanted to share with people and I wanted to show girls that you can be fabulous even on a budget! I've been doing it religiously for about a year and half.
2) How did you come up with the name “The HONEYBEE”?
The reason I chose "The HONEYBEE" is because I live on a street called Honeybee Dr. We always refer to our home as "Honeybee" so we thought it was cute since im blogging from home. It just kind of stuck.
3) Have you always been passionate for fashion?
Yes Yes Yes! I have always been passionate about fashion. I dont think fashion is the end all be all but I love how it can transform how someone feels.
4) Have you ever wanted a career in fashion?
Its definitely something I am passionate about and would love to have a career in it. Becoming a buyer or personal shopper would be amazing.
5) What are your favorite places to shop at? Oh my favorite places to shop...there are so many! My top three would have to be Zara, Shopbop.com, and Intermix.
6) Which celebrity do you look up to for fashion inspiration? To be honest I mainly look to everyday women and other bloggers for fashion inspiration. I love people watching and seeing what other girls are wearing. One celebrity that comes to mind is Rachel Bilson. She is always effortlessly chic. I love how she incorporates trends without being over the top or over polished. She is very relatable and I love that!
7) Who is your favorite designer?
Ohhhh thats a tough one. There are so many great ones! Alexander Wang killed it this past year. I love his City Chic/ Girl with an edge pieces!
8) If you could have dinner with two people in the fashion industry, who would they be? .
Hands down Christine Centenera (fashion editor for Harpers Bazaar Australia) her style is absolutely impeccable! Also Diane Von Furstenberg. She is so accomplished and is one classy lady!
9) Do you splurge, steal, or both?
The past couple years I have really been into budget shopping. There are so many affordable options now that I hate spending hundreds of dollars on just one item. (investment pieces excluded) If its an item I will wear for years to come then I definitely splurge. I am a huge fan of mixing high and lows!
10) What is your favorite look right now?
My favorite look right now is definitely anything over the knee or leopard print. It instantly unleashes every girls inner vixen!
11) What is your opinion on layers?
Love love love layers. The key is pile them on but make sure they are still flattering. I love over the knees socks with leggings and boots, flannels layered with military or leather jackets, and belted basic tees and cardigans.
12) Do you think the Little Black Dress is given too much credit?
I think the LBD is a necessity! You can wear it a million ways and if it fits you like a glove it will never go out of style.
13) Are you hoping for your blog to get to the level of SausyGlossie and Cupcakes and Cashmere?
It would be nice to take it to the next level but honestly I didn't start The HONEYBEE to make money. The most rewarding part of blogging is receiving comments and emails from readers. To know that all my time I put into my blog is really appreciated and valued by people.
14) Any advice for fellow style/fashion bloggers?
My advice to new bloggers would be not to get discouraged. It does take some time to build up followers but once you do it is very rewarding. Stay true to what you like. Everyones style and taste are so different and thats okay! In the end you want people to follow your blog because they TRULY like it.
Do not forget to follow her amazing blog! You will not be disappointed!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My ASOS Lust List
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My Interview With Danielle of Always Choose Paris
This week I decided to do an interview with Danielle of Always Choose Paris. She is such a beautiful and sweet girl and I am excited to share this interview with you all. I have gone a different direction with this blog post though. Always Choose Paris is not a fashion based blog; it is a blog based on real stuff most of us go through. I have gotten to know her through her writing and I feel like she is talking right to me. Almost all the time on her blog posts I think to myself "I go through that too" and it makes me feel at ease that someone else has some of the thoughts that I do. Everyone, I hope you enjoy this interview and don't forget to visit her blog http://alwayschooseparis.blogspot.com/
1) What inspired you to start a blog?
I have always been fascinated with the character Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City and her little column. I knew I wanted my thoughts out there for people to see so a blog seemed perfect.
2) How did you come up with the name of your blog?
One night I was watching the Hills season finale and Lauren Conrad said "Always Choose Paris". For some reason that quote truly stuck out to me and meant a whole lot than an internship LC had turned down to stay with her now ex boyfriend. I have always loved and been fascinated with the French culture, Paris in particular, and have been dreaming of the day I get to visit the gorgeous city. Plus Paris is where a lot of my family is from. I just found a deeper meaning to "Always Choose Paris", to me it meant to always choose your dreams over someone else because in the end you only have yourself. I was always and still am to an extent basing things on other people and putting myself last. Choosing Paris would mean that I followed my heart and my dreams, not someone else's.
3) Have you ever had another blog previous to this one?
I did actually, it was called "cynical and single" at first, then I called it "little bits" and then I just deleted it. It wasn't getting good feed back from a lot of people and I realized I was taking a direction in that blog I no longer wanted. So I decided to make a new one and start fresh, do things right and the way I wanted this time. I also have one on wordpress but I keep that private because it is my personal writing that I plan on being in my memoir that I hope to have out and published by 2013. Keeping my fingers crossed!
4) What audience do you target your blog towards?
I target to anyone who listens. I have both male and female readers. I just go about things I have gone through, past and present and my outlook towards the future. I know that Im not the only one who goes through these struggles and chaos so I thought perhaps if I put my story out there people would feel a sense of comfort that they aren't alone and they can move on from this
5) Which writer inspires you?
Elizabeth Wurtzel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Anna Lamott, Stephen King, Elizabeth Berg, Chelsea Handler
6) Do you hope to keep blogging after you graduate college?
Absolutely. Always Choose Paris has become a part of me. Its my journal for the world to see. It's my escape sometimes and my way of practicing my skill.
7) Are there any topics that you would like to write about on your blog one day soon?
I do hope that one day I can discuss my adventures to Paris. My mom got me this gorgeous journal that has a parisian design, she said that when I go to Paris this is where I can write about it. Hard for me to admit but i also hope to be able to write about being married one day.
8) What are you majoring in at school?
My major is sports journalism and communications with a focus in hockey. I am minoring in French. My dream is to be a sports broadcaster on NESN for the Bruins
9) Favorite book?
One book that really inspired me was "Its called a break up because it's broken". For a while I called it my bible. I was going through a horrible and emotionally draining breakup. Some how that book made me see through a lot of things.
10) Have to throw a fashion oriented question in here, how do you consider your look?
Although I am a sap for relationships I do have a huge obsession with shopping and fashion. I consider my look to be classic boho with a touch of preppy. My favorites are Free People, Shop Planet Blue, Anthropologie and Topshop.
Also for what I would consider my look as retro also, I really like house music and I love the clothes that are inspired by them. Dim Mak in particular. I like the big glasses(not sunglasses) and the red lip stick. People always tell me I never stick to one look, but why do that when I love so many of the present looks right now.
I want to make it as a writer. For so long all I ever think about is writing. I eat sleep and breathe it. I have always wanted to make a difference in this world and I hope that one day as extreme as it may seem, that what I have to say makes an impact. I want to be heard, just like everyone else. I also hope to inspire others to write, whether it be public or private... there is so much power in one's words and when you have the ability to free write the possibilities are endless and you just might find out something about yourself. Thats what I hope to find along the way, myself through this blog.
I hope you all enjoyed this interview and don't forget to visit