Sorry I have not done an interview in a while, but I have a really great one for you all today! This interview is with a blogger that I have recently discovered and read her posts everyday. Joanne, of the
Make Up Fairy has one amazing blog. She talks about make up and fashion and I have learned a lot from her. Her product reviews are great and have purchased products because of the great reviews she posts. Her blog is simply just amazing! I hope you all enjoy this interview as much as I did.
1) What inspired you to start your blog? I have been working as a Make Up Artist for the past four years and have had both experience on counter working for brands and working freelance on shoots etc. In the past two years I returned to college to study Montessori and Child Psychology. I now work as a teacher by morning, nanny by afternoon and freelance as a Make Up Artist at the weekends and in my spare time. I wanted to continue exposing my skill set and actively pursue something I was still so passionate about. I felt it would not only aid my career but something I would throughly enjoy. I have always loved English, journalism and writing and I've always wanted to share the insider beauty tips and tricks I've learned along the way. I'm a complete shopaholic and I am always reviewing products for family and friends so I felt it was an obvious choice to start sharing my opinions more publicly. I'm also a total social media addict so it was simply the next step combing Facebook, Twitter and a Website together. I have also been reading blogs and watching Youtube tutorials for the past few years to ensure I maintain a level of knowledge in this area and for enjoyment purposes so I had a good idea of what a blog entailed and the content people seem to be interested in.
2) How did you come up with the name The Make Up Fairy?
I have always adored both Make Up and Fairys and I felt that the combined name signified how all dreams can come true. It also tied in perfectly with my chosen slogan "For that touch of sparkle". A make up brush to me is like a magic wand and if I can bring a touch of sparkle to someone's day by making them feel/look pretty then I've done what I have set out to do.
3) How long have you been blogging?
I'm totally new to the blog-sphere, I have been blogging since the end of March of this year so just under three months.
4) What inspired your love for makeup?
I have always adored anything and everything artistic. From a young age I painted the walls in my room, decorated furniture, pencil cases you name it. When I was old enough to play around with make up it was a natural progression. Fashion, make up, and nails are all a way to express yourself and reinvent who you are everyday, I love the element of change and how you can re-create different looks. I used to be in awe of the Mac counter girls for the skill, sheer beauty and talent in how they present themselves and I began collecting make up and everything that went along with it (books etc.) I then fell in love with the MUA Kevin Aucoin and his stunning work, he along with so many other make up greats inspired be to then follow my dream and pursue make up artistry as a career.
5) What do you consider the most essential make up item a girl should own?
Hands down mascara. The eyes are the focal point of the face so for me pretty lashes are an essential. Also my lashes are quite fair so without mascara they appear non existent! I am pretty comfortable with a naked face but mascara would be something that I always wear even if it's on its own.
6) Do you prefer lipgloss or lipstick?
This is a tough one, I am obsessed with both but I tend to wear lipstick more often. I feel lipstick adds more pigmented colour and there are so many great moisturizing ones out there now that give a lovely sheen so as you can skip the gloss.
7) Favorite make up stores?
My kit contains so many different brands but my Top 5 would have to be -
- Mac
- Smashbox
- Urban Decay
- Make Up Forever
- Stila
8) Favorite clothing stores?
I'm a complete shopaholic so I love so many stores but I've narrowed it down to my Top 5:
- Zara
- H&M
- Topshop
- Forever 21
- Asos (Cheat!)
9) What is the number one item on your wishlist?
I am forever making mental wishlists but right now it has got to be a YSL Arty Ring, preferably the gold and turquoise one. I have been obsessing over the whole collection and I need one in my life!
10) Do you have any advice for fellow bloggers?
- Be original
- Be yourself
- Be consistent
- Be passionate
- Take note, be inspired but never copy.